ID30 BURN 🔥 Fire Up Your Metabolism

ID30 Burn is a Weight Loss and Total Body Transformation program. It includes education, coaching, accountability, group support, weigh-ins, meal guides, meal plans, tracking tools, and amazing supplements to speed up your results. There are several options to fit your goals, your challenges, & even your budget.
-> You could even use this page as a stand-alone, without any product orders.
-> You can also sign up for coaching only, no products.

How do people become successful with weight loss?
Winning in challenges & life… are all about having more good days than bad days.
It’s about adding good stuff before taking out “bad” stuff.
It’s about baby steps and consistency.
Nutrition - Fitness - Wellness - Supplements

There’s 10 Steps Total… so let’s get started.

Step #1 JOIN our Free FB Group
The group name is Burn & Build and you can join by clicking ➡️ HERE
We post recipes, tips, education, and once a week we post the current weekly challenge crushers!!

Step #2 Preparing To Win
Clean out your fridge, freezer, & pantry… Clean up the tupperware for easy storage of meals in advance… Clean up those sneakers & gym bag if needed… and then Clean up your mind by preparing yourself to do your absolute BEST during the next 30 days and beyond! Think lean proteins, veggies, fruit, & healthy fats.

Step #3 Choose Your Nutrition Protocol
We recommend Paleo as our preferred way to improve health & performance and to safely lose weight the fastest. Paleo has never failed our clients (spanning 15+ years) and you’ll have access to a lot of free support (see below).

➡️ See our dedicated PALEO page with success guidelines & RECIPES ➡️ HERE.
➡️ See our RESULTS DRIVEN Paleo Meal Matrix below:

Our Paleo Meal Matrix is a sure-fire way to drop extra fat fast. Be sure to print it (RED button above).
Easy To Follow Guidelines:
🥗 Print the Meal Matrix and pick your proteins, veggies, carbs, & fats for the day.
🥗 If trying to lose weight, stick to eating lots of lean proteins & lots of colorful veggies.
🥗 If starving, eat extra lean protein or veggies… not carbs or fats.
🥗 If trying to lose weight, eat the listed minimum requirements.
🥗 Limit your carbs (due to starch & sugar).
🥗 Limit your fat.
🥗 Do Not Under Eat !!

Portion Control:
Use your hand… and see the Paleo Meal Matrix (above) for instructions.

Protein portion: 1 palm-size
Veggie portion: 1 fist-size
Carb portion: 1 cupped hand
Fat portion: 1 thumb-size

You can also choose another protocol if you prefer: vegan, keto, low carb, low fat, calorie counting/Macros, intermittent fasting, etc Just be sure to follow it’s guidelines. When you undertake any weight loss program, you will ALWAYS have to make dietary changes.

Step #4 Photos, Measurements, & Weigh-Ins

📷 Photos:
You should always take a BEFORE photo to document your journey. Day to day looking in the mirror and using only scale weight will crush you mentally. You need photos.

Photos should be in very fitted shorts & sports top (shirtless for men) otherwise it’s difficult to really “see” the changes. We recommend showing a “muffin-top” in before pics. Be sure to wear THE EXACT same outfit on AFTER photo day… and ENJOY the lack of muffin-top!

📏 Measurements:
Should be easy to duplicate (use a mirror)…
1) Chest: measure directly under armpits & across chest (straight line)
2) Waist: measure from smallest of back to the bellybutton (might not be a straight line)
3) Hips: measure directly across widest part of butt sticking out to front of pubic bone area (straight line)
4) Thigh: pull tape up between the legs all up in there and directly under the butt cheek… and measure using side view (straight line)

Easy Measuring Guide ➡️ HERE

Note: we focus on only the Chest, Waist, Hips, & upper Thigh and use the guidelines stated above to ensure accuracy & consistency of measurements.

⚖️ Weigh-Ins:
Should only be taken in the AM after you wake & go to the bathroom, but before coffee. We recommend weigh-ins on the same day, once per week, before you might “break” which is usually a Sat or Sun.

Step #5 Add Supplements For A Jumpstart
Supplements fill-in your nutritional gaps and have the power to speed up your results in the kitchen and the gym. We have a vast array of supplements that can fit your goals, your challenges, and even your budget! Burn Boxes contain everything you need to control appetite, reduce belly bloat, improve focus, improve energy, burn fat, reduce sugar cravings, & lower cortisol (stress).

Options… based on your goals, obstacles, and budget… we can customized a program for you.
➡️ DNA nutrition & fitness testing
➡️ Customized Vitamins
➡️ 15 Day Jumpstarts vs 30 Day Burn Boxes
➡️ 1 package only of: Slim, Lean, Shake, etc

Be sure to contact your IDLife associate that sent you here directly. If you don’t have one… KEEP READING…
Monique is an Independent Associate of IDLife. Ordering direct from her & her Team ensures the highest quality of training & support for YOU.

Step #6 Start Meal Planning & Meal Prepping
Use our free nutrition information on our website and tailor it as needed. It’s all about MORE good days than bad days. And we all have bad days.
- Meal planning is nothing more than sitting down and writing out your eating plan for the day, the next couple days, or the next week.
- Meal prepping is just cooking those meals/foods in advance and then either keeping them in same food container (chicken in one tub, veggies in another, etc) or creating those home-made “ready-made” meals to go.


  1. Try to eat at least 2 healthy meals per day (see our Paleo pg)

  2. Try 2 healthy snacks per day (see our Paleo pg)

  3. Drink enough water (your bodyweight divide by 2 divide by 8oz = your cups of water/day)

  4. Exercise daily or do 30 min of continuous physical activity

  5. Use a TRACKER… like this one ➡️ HERE


  7. Did we mention joining our Free FB group ➡️ Burn & Build

Step #7 Snack Ideas

  1. Air fryer kale chips or veggies chips

  2. Hard-boiled eggs w/ dijon mustard or plain

  3. Tuna, chicken, or egg “salad” made w/ dijon mustard, chopped celery, chopped onion… served with cucumber slices, carrot sticks, broccoli florets, etc

  4. Air fryer chicken fingers

  5. Protein powder mug Cake (1 scoop + 7g coconut flour + 60g egg whites + 30g almond milk… nuke 1:15 min)

  6. Protein powder shake or milk shake (add crushed ice)

  7. Protein powder ice cream (1 scoop + 1 cup almond milk + handful frozen strawberries + 2-3 cubes frozen banana + 1 cup crushed ice)

Step #8 Easy Meal Ideas

  1. Egg white omelette stuffed w/ leftovers, topped w/ salsa, etc

  2. Use egg whites & coconut flour (to create crepes, pancakes, burrito-like wrap, thin naan-like bread, or crust for pizza toppings

  3. Meat & veggie stir-frys / skillets

  4. Meal Prep: Bake / Roast meat & veggies in advance and throw in fridge

  5. Meal Prep: Casseroles

  6. Meal Prep: Shredded chicken (cook in crockpot) add to soups, salads, casseroles, dips, etc

  7. Approved Paleo Recipe databases ➡️ HERE

Step #9 Fitness Training
Fitness training can focus on weightlifting for strength, cardio for endurance, and/or high intensity interval training (like CrossFit) for power and speed. No matter your fitness style, when it comes to weight loss… you need to focus on daily activity of at least 20-30 minutes. You can vary the intensity from low to moderate.

Note: depending on where your fat is stored: on the muscle, in the muscle, or combo… THAT determines how you BURN FAT.

1) Purchase our Nutrition & Fitness DNA test to find out … or
2) Do a combo of the 3 fitness styles from above: weightlifting, cardio, & CrossFit or HIIT… and see which works best for you by producing results. Note: you’ll need to give it 1-2 weeks for each style… but you can do it.

Step #10 Coaching Options
Any time you order any product from us, any amount, you’ll get product coaching... always.
Nutrition Group Coaching is provided with purchases of our Burn Box, Build Box, Detox Box, Renew Box, or any combo purchase greater than $150, for Monique’s Team only.

Is ID30 Burn just for weight loss?
No. This is about total body change! This means reducing your body fat while gaining muscle, which sometimes means the weight on the scale changes very little but the measurements and your photos will show the real deal. Also, anyone can do this for extra accountability & support, to motivate them to stick to their goals and build good habits. But if your goal is weight loss… our average 30 day weight loss is 7 to 13 lbs.

Final reminder: to accurately gauge YOUR body transformation, you should always look at the scale weight, fat %, muscle %, measurements, photos, clothes fit, energy level, and how you feel in general… and also how you perform in the gym and in life. 

YOU are committing to be a more fit & healthy version of you.
To do this successfully requires that you:

🔥 Make changes to your diet / nutrition and stay relatively consistent.
🔥 Exercise daily for at least 20-30 minutes and stay consistent.
🔥 Diligently add new small healthy habits each week if possible.
🔥 Weigh-in (at-home) once per week to track your results & stay on track.

 Sign-Up for the ID30 BURN w/ Monique

Click below to order & start. If you have questions, contact us.

 NOTE: Working With A Different IDLife coach…
If you are currently working with another Coach (you have already purchased supplements from them), that’s totally cool, just be sure to take your questions to them so they can better support you. ❤️